Lawrence Police Starts Wonderful Program for People with Autism
The Patch reports, the Lawrence Police Department has just started a wonderful program for those with autism in the community. They announced the program, which is called Lville Safe that they have created a registry for those community members who autism or who have any other communication disabilities. This program will help police officers and other first responders get information they need on those in the community in crucial times. The information that is given will help officers greatly. Once an individual is registered for this program, they will be provided with stickers to put on their cars and front doors of their home. This will be an indication for officers to look for in emergency situation. For more information on this program or to register someone, visit Lawrence Police Department's Facebook Page or their website.
My cousin Kelly is an adult with special needs and although she is verbal and is for the most part independent. She has many friends who are non verbal and I've had the privilege of meeting and interacting with these young adults while I worked as a dance teacher and backstage helper. It can be hard at times to figure out what they want and direct them to certain areas. It's good that my cousin and her friends all know each other because they have a way of letting us know how to handle each situation. I've learned a lot from Kelly and her friends, but unfortunately, not all of these young adults have many friends or a group of people to speak for them. Programs like the one that Lawrence Township Police has started are fantastic. It is very important for first responders to be aware of the people in their community and know how to help them in any way.