Meet Nerbert The Unofficial Mascot Of New Jersey Transit Trains
I saw a tweet from SEPTA asking their followers to create a mascot for them with a backstory since the Flyers unleashed Gritty not too long ago.
That tweet inspired me to create a mascot for the New Jersey Transit trains. They haven't been that reliable lately and they have been making hundreds of commuters unhappy to say the least.
Meet Nerbert. He's the little engine that couldn't. He couldn't arrive on time and he was always got delayed. He occasionally breaks down and never seems to have help from engineers.
He hates when he gets canceled. He remembers a time when people loved riding the train and they were happy. He keeps saying 'I think can, I think can, I think I can be better.' We all wait for the day Nerbert can be better. We miss the smile on his face.
[This post is a satire, of course. And meant in good fun for all those involved. We love the hard-working people of NJ Transit, but recognize the struggles that they have had lately.]
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