New Jersey must always keep a close eye on what the state of California is doing.

This is because many radical, unwanted things start in California and ultimately make there way to New Jersey.

The Courthouse News Service has confirmed that the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has thrown out a ludicrous gas stove ban that had been implemented in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The California Restaurant Association appealed the earlier decision by saying that it would harm chefs’ ability to do their job as they were trained to do.

Natural gas stoves are the preferred method to cook food. Natural gas stoves cook more evenly than electric stoves.

The expense of electricity versus natural gas has also been cited in the past that it would make it financially impossible for many restaurants to stay in business.

It should be noted that the decision to reverse the previous ban was done by a Three Member panel of the Ninth Circuit Court.

San Francisco can appeal this decision and ask for the entire Ninth Circuit to hear the case.

President Joe Biden previously stated that the federal government is not looking to take away natural gas stoves … yet, every action appears to say otherwise.

This Ninth Circuit decision may have wide ranging implications as other states and cities have also been looking to ban natural gas stoves.

Regarding the Ninth Circuit ruling, Federal Judge Patrick Bumatay said, “states and localities cant skirt, the text of broad, preemption provisions by doing indirectly with Congress says they can’t do directly. Berkeley can’t evade preemption by merely moving up one step in the energy chain and burning natural gas piping within those buildings,” said Bumatay.

It’s hard to believe that numerous locaL and state governments are looking to ban gas stoves. It dies make you wonder … what’s next?

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