Smart Parking Meters Coming to Princeton
This is good news for Princeton. Pretty soon you won't have to dig in your car for change for the parking meters (or run back to your car) while in the middle of beers with friends at Triumph or visiting downtown Princeton just to feed your parking meter.
Yes, smart parking meters are on the way. I saw on ParkPrinceton's twitter that the old meters are being removed and poles cut, so workers can start installing the new, smart meters.
Once installed, you'll be able to pay using your smartphone (details are included in the image above). You can also still pay at the pay stations, but credit cards will (finally) be accepted at those pay stations too.
This is a win-win for us because it means we can temporarily get free parking in the spaces where the old meters have been removed until the new meters are in place.
They just ask you to be respectful of the parking time limits during the transition.
Way to go Princeton for finally moving ahead with modern times.
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