Things To Do Now That Halloween is Over!!!
Halloween is over so you know what that means? It’s time to put all of your creative costumes aside and substitute the pumpkins for Christmas ornaments. Wait, but what about Thanksgiving coming up? Can some pumpkins stay out for a little longer to still give us that Fall feel?
What should you start getting ready for now?
Save For Black Friday
That's a tough one to start focusing on. Many of us have said, "Oh I am ready for Black Friday" but once the time comes our pockets are tight. Then it just becomes harder to get those discounted Christmas gifts.
Christmas Lights
With such warm weather we've been getting in Mercer and Bucks Counties, it's only right to set up all your outdoor Christmas lights now. It is never to early for Christmas lights, unless you really are embarrassed. Then just wait to put them up in the freezing cold. Who cares what the the judgmental humans say, but hey, it's your call.
Thanksgiving Feast
Now that's one to look forward too. Family and friends gathering and expressing each others reasons why they are thankful. Oh, and don’t forget you get to eat A LOT of food. Now think about it, do you really want to have to unbutton your pants because you ate too much? You have about 20 days to get yourself together and lose a few extra pounds. That will give you a good amount of space to stuff your face. That's my goal!
Christmasy Drinks
Those red cups will be everywhere now. No, we are not talking about the red solo cups to play beer pong. We’re referring to the Starbucks holiday cups with some fancy warm peppermint drinks inside. Yeah, go ahead and be basic and snap or instagram a pic. Just make sure you tag us @945PST! Thanks!
New Year’s Resolutions
That's another good one you should start looking into. We all know we will more than likely will not stick to whatever we decide on but the effort is what counts...right?
Those are just a few things to look forward to now that the year is almost over and the expensive season is here. Oh, and for college students your school break is almost here..woo hoo!!