This Drink Cures My Nasty Hangovers Every time
Let's just say I had a little too much wine last night and I am paying the price for it today. I 100% blame Summer Walker's new album for having me in tears, screaming her lyrics, and sliding down my wall with sangria in my glass until 3 am.
I don't really drink as much as I did when I was in college. For one, I am getting old and my body can't handle shots of tequila anymore. And two, when you live with an autoimmune disease, a lot of your old habits have to die. And that includes drinking.
But I've been depressed and needed a good cry and I let myself have my favorite drink last night. However, I woke up with a gross hangover as expected when you have more than 3 glasses of wine in one sitting. But because I use to be a champ at drinking back in my college days, I remember the secret hangover cure that literally got me through cheer practices, exams, and those early morning brunches with the parents.
If you want an instant hangover cure, drive yourself to Panera and order a Green Passion Power Smoothie. That drink rejuvenates me like no other. I would drive there after long nights of the party till I threw up, and the 5 dollar drink brought me back to life every time.
I used to work a Panera in high school and college so I used to make these drinks all the time. It includes a peach mango base that consists of Mango And Peach Purees, White Grape And Passionfruit Juice Concentrates, Water, and Natural Flavors. Add some spinach and it's good to go.
There are also some other things you can try if it doesn't work for you. Donuts are supposedly great for hangovers. Oatmeal is great too. If you're at Panera you should grab both the smoothie and their oatmeal for double the medication. Bananas are good as well as eggs and pickles.
Try it out!
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