Advil Relief In Action And Josh Duhamel Celebrate National Volunteer Week With Points Of Light & Kick Off A Nationwide "Relief" Tour
Credit: Craig Barritt

Tyler State Park in Newtown is holding a park clean up event on Earth Day.

I think this is pretty cool and just something great you can participate in to help the environment.

Earth Day is Monday, April 22 this year and while there is plenty of volunteer work that you could partake ... why not don't something super local in Bucks County.

The clean up will be hosted by State Senate Steve Santarsiero and will be held from 11am - 2pm at the Tyler State Park, 101 Swamp Rd and they recommend you bring work or garden gloves and also suggest that you wear boots too. says, "Santarsiero and a park ranger will discuss the importance of preserving park lands and protecting our environment from invasive plants, litter and other pollution."


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