Something that has always bugged me is when you get a great job, but the pay isn't that great or you have to buy your own materials to do your job. I think we can all agree we should all be making more money at our jobs, but hey, some people have lost their jobs completely during this pandemic, so it's good to be grateful for what we have. It has always bothered me that some of my teacher friends have to buy their own school supplies and it can get pretty expensive. Only a handful of districts actually give their teachers money to buy the supplies they need for their classrooms. So whenever I see a GoFundMe set up for someone's classroom, I try to donate a little money or supplies wherever I can. This year, it will especially be hard because teachers who are going back to teaching in person classes are going to have to stock their classrooms with tons of disinfectant wipes and sprays to keep their rooms clean and free of germs. Unfortunately some of these items are very scarce and hard to find. It's going to be a tough year for teachers, but it's nice when celebrities understand that and try to help them out.

TMZ reports, that 90210 hottie and Megan Fox's ex, Brian Austin Green was on Instagram Live the other day and he started talking about his kids and how they are starting virtual learning soon. He talked about how important teachers are and understands the struggles they go through. Amy Hoffman, who is a teacher in Collingswood, New Jersey, happened to be watching the video and tagged Brian directing him to her classroom wish list. The next day, Brian paid for her wish list, which was about $500. This must have been the most amazing feeling for her! Now more than ever, teachers need that extra money to buy not only disinfectant products, but as Amy said in the TMZ article, kids should not be charing supplies, so they need their own.

Bravo Brian! Bravo!

For more info, check out TMZ.


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