Do New Jerseans Prefer Easter Brunch or Easter Dinner?
Easter Sunday is this weekend and meal time is a big deal to a lot of families. I know we've have discussions on air about what time we eat during certain holidays and some people are very adamant about when they eat. Some do holidays meals at traditional dinner time and others like to do their meals earlier. Some even like to do a brunch instead of a dinner. What about New Jersey? According to Google Trends, people from New Jersey prefer Easter dinner instead of brunch. Arizona, Hawaii, and Wisconsin were the only three states that prefer Easter brunch over Easter dinner according to Google Trends.
This time last year, there was no religious services or gathering of any kind. The CDC recommended no one gather with people who live outside their homes and religious services were shut down. I remember how sad I was and how grateful I am that we are able to go to church this year and that we're able to gather again. I am thankful for the vaccine myself and my family have received and very much looking forward to Easter this year. I have to say, Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I am religious and very involved in my parish. We always go to church on Easter Sunday and this Sunday, I am actually reading at a morning mass. I love the feeling of sunshine as we're leaving church and Easter was always such a happy holiday with our family. Being outside and having and of course, Easter dinner. We're Italian, so we always had our Easter dinner around 2 or 3, so technically it could be considered lunch or brunch, but we treat it as dinner. We did do an Easter buffet a few years ago where we ate around 1 o'clock and we were all still hungry by like 5 or 6. So we decided to stick to our traditional time of late afternoon and we're with the majority of New Jerseans.
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