Fox 29 Philadelphia reports, Facebook is now going to be slapping a label on any kind of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine. Misinformation labels will also be on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook and the labels will be available in many different languages. They will also be helping Facebook users find vaccine appointments by using VaccineFinder in some cities. They hope to be able to help people in as many cities as possible find appointments as long as the vaccines are available there. Facebook has stumbled upon many pages that are making false claims about the vaccine and they intend to shut those down too. Read more about Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg's mission here.

I belong to a Facebook group all about COVID-19 vaccines and there are so many people on that page that are willing to help each other find appointments. It warms my heart when people are willing to help one another, especially with something that will hopefully make our world a better place in a few months. Some people are not tech savvy, so it's great that the people who are really quick and know their way around websites will pitch in and get people appointments. I keep seeing tons of nice feedback from the group and I am loving it. Of course there is going to be tons of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine out there on social media and it's definitely best to stick to the facts so more people will read those facts and hopefully more people will get vaccinated. I want some sense of normalcy back. I want this pandemic to be over. The more people get vaccinated, the better and the quicker we can all actually go out in the world and not be so afraid.


LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions

While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.


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