Online Classes Coming To Bensalem High School
Online classes shouldn't only be for college students. They should also be part of all levels of schooling in the Bucks County school district. Bensalem High School is trying to make cyber school a thing.
Bucks Country Courier Times reported that if online classes were to become a thing for Bensalem High School it can save tons of money. "Trim a projected $4.65 million budget deficit for 2019-20."
The chances of students taking online courses are pretty high if officials continue on with the tentative plan. "We need to keep this discussion going so this can be in place by next year," said a member of the school board to Bucks County Courier Times.
This Bucks County High School already testing the online class system with about 83 students that attend charter schools outside of the area.
Bensalem High is not the only school attempting to make online classes a thing. Neshaminy has 26 students enrolled in cyber classes. Neshaminy has also partnered with Brandywine Virtual Academy to be able to make online classes happen.
Most students will be doing all school work from home and according to Buck County Courier Times the only time students will meet with teachers is when they need personal learning.